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Just DNA-Seq

Your DNA Guide to a Longer Life

Our reports use detailed genetic data to give you a clear picture of your longevity chances.

Understand What Your Genes Say About Your Health

Find out how your genetic makeup could impact your risk for heart disease and cancer, with clear explanations from trusted sources.

Personalize Your Medicine Cabinet

Discover which drugs work best for you and which to avoid, all based on your unique genetic profile.

Lead a Longer, Healthier Life with Just-DNA-Seq!

Just-DNA-Seq is an open-source project that helps you analyze your genome:

  1. Sequence your genome with the help of Nebula, Dante, or any other sequencing company
  2. Obtain a VCF (Variant Call Format) file containing your genomic data
  3. Upload this file to our platform for annotation
  4. Get a personalized report detailing your predisposition to age-related diseases, significant health risks, and insights into your longevity based on your genomic information.

Tutorial on how to use the Just-DNA-Seq platform:

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An example of the report you get:

Full report example


At the moment we have the following modules in our report:

Longevity variants report is based on 1900 variants from LongevityMap and other data sources which are scored and prioritized according to multiple criteria. It also depends on ClinGene, dbSNP and ClinVar modules. To help you better understand the role your genes play in longevity, we have categorized them into 11 distinct groups.
Github repository: just_longevitymap

(Currently depricated and removed)

Longevity PRS report is based on existing longevity polygenic scores. At the moment, our best performing PRS is implements the score presented in [PMC8087277] and comprises 330 variants. This PRS was shown to be significantly associated with cognitively healthy aging and with prolonged survival. While it is not enough to have “centenarian” genes to become one, they are still needed to cut down major health risks and therefore gain longevity escape velocity.
Github repository: just_prs
Of the major life threatening risks, Hereditary Cancers are the ones reliably predictable based on genetic variants data. Certain genetic variants determine a higher-than-average risk of developing a specific kind of cancer. The Oncological risks report includes about 300 genes, which are related to cancer predisposition, cancer progression and tumor cell motility.
Github repository: just_cancer
Aging is commonly associated with deteriorating health. As a result, plenty of drugs are commonly prescribed at an older age. Moreover, some of these drugs are now known to have geroprotective action in addition to their primary indications for medicine use (e.g. statins, metformin, rapamycin, etc.). To a large extent Drug metabolism is highly dependent on a person’s genetic polymorphisms because these variations affect the activity of xenobiotics-transforming enzymes. As a result, individual dose correction or even medication replacement is frequently required in order to avoid adverse effects. Longevity-drugs report is mostly based on data from PharmGKB database (https://www.pharmgkb.org/) and DrugAge and provides insight into one’s drug metabolism dispositions for a number of widely used drugs.
Github repository: just_drugs
We keep expanding our “Major risks” module with information about other common diseases which are among leading causes of death worldwide and are major contributors to decreased longevity. This part contains the information about hereditary cardio desisease and coronary artery disease (CAD). Timely detection and diagnosis of heart disorders can lead to enhanced treatment options, help to prevent sudden cardiac death, and improve prognosis. Our report analyzes the most relevant genes for arrhythmias, congenital heart disease, and cardiomyopathies. Analyzed gene abnormalities may cause the following syndromes: Long and short QT, Brugada syndrome, catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia, cardiomyopathies dilated and hypertrophic, and congenital heart defects. In addition, this panel includes vascular abnormalities, such as dolichoectasia and hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia.Identifying individuals with a genetic predisposition to CAD allows for earlier detection and intervention, which can prevent serious complications and improve outcomes. And understanding a person’s genetic makeup can help tailor treatment plans to their specific needs. For example, if a person has a genetic variant that increases their risk of CAD, their healthcare provider may recommend more aggressive treatment or lifestyle changes.
Github repositories: just_cardio and just_coronary
Thrombophilia is a condition in which an individual has an increased tendency to develop blood clots. This can be caused by genetic or acquired factors, and the risk of developing thrombophilia increases with age. This report contains data of blood clot or deep vein thrombosis (PGS000931), and the list with genes, associated with an increased risk of thrombophilia.
Github repository: just_thrombophilia
Genetics plays an important role in lipid metabolism and the development of heart disease. Genes control the production, transport, and metabolism of cholesterol and other lipids. Lipid metabolism plays an important role in the development of heart disease, and this risk increases with age. This report contains the list with genes, associated with an increased risk of CAD.
Github repository: just_lipidmetabolism

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